Social Movement in Community Forest Carbon (A Case Study Yayasan Orangutan Indonesia’s Social Movement for REDD+ in Central Kalimantan)
ABSTRACT This research aims to describe : (1) process of establisment Yayorin’s social movement, (2) the latest issues about REDD+ (Reducing Emmisions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) which contribute to Yayorin’s social movement, (3) internal and external barrier in Yayorin’s social movement at Tanjung Terantang village. This study belongs to a descriptive qualitative research using case study as its strategy. The sampling technique used was proposive sampling. While techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and documentation. Data validition was done using source and methodological triagulation. Techniques of analyzing data used was an interactive model.Based on the results of this study concluded that: 1) Yayorin’s social movement formed by two concepts. That is political context and mobilizing structure which result CFC (Community Forest Carbon) programme. Tanjung Terantang village as one of target area of that programme. 2) The ...