
Showing posts from October, 2016

A Letter from Borneo People to the World

“Nothing can hide from changing. There is changing even just a little.” -Sociologist of Social Change- Sometimes, we didn't realize that changing is real. What is changing look like? We life as same as another. Just living in normal life. Eating always use hands, listening using ears even speaking also using mouth. So that, what is the changing ? Changing  is an abstract concept. When a mom said to her child, "My honey, now you are more big. I almost have not enough energy to pick you up.  It means a mom realizes that her child changing (the weight of son). Meanwhile, what is social change ? Before that, let's take a look to the Borneo. “Welcome to the jungle” , a good tag line for describing the beautiful of Borneo (along time ago). But now, that is just a legend .   Like a writer with his backward flow as same as Indonesia now.  Changing like walk to the back with the head face up. Or look like a runner is running without move. That is Indone...

Perubahan Lagu Koes Plus di Surat Cinta Masyarakat Hutan Tropis Kalimantan

“Tak ada sesuatu yang tidak berubah di dunia ini. Perubahan itu pasti ada walaupun hanya sedikit.” -Sosiolog Perubahan Sosial- Memang, terkadang kita tidak sadar akan kehadiran perubahan itu. Perubahan seperti apa ? Perubahan bagaimana ? Kita menjalani kehidupan sama seperti yang lain. Makan tetap pakai tangan, berbicara tetap pakai mulut, mendengarkan juga tetap pakai telinga. Lantas apa yang disebut dengan " berubah " ? Perubahan adalah sesuatu konsep yang abstrak. Ketika seorang ibu mengatakan “Wah anakku sudah besar ya sekarang, semakin berat aja ibu gendong kamu sayang.” Itu artinya seorang ibu menyadari bahwa anaknya sudah berubah (berat badannya bertambah). Sedangkan apa itu perubahan sosial ? Sebelumnya, mari kita mengunjungi sejenak pulau Kalimantan.   “Welcome to the jungle” , tag line yang tepat untuk menggambarkan pulau tersebut (pada zaman dahulu). Tapi sayang sungguh sayang, pulau Kalimantan saat ini hanya tinggal sebuah kenangan, seperti halny...

Lowongan Kerja Koordinator English Program di ITHB Bandung

Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa , sebuah perguruan tinggi Kristen di Bandung, menawarkan kesempatan kerja bagi para profesional yang memiliki semangat dan integritas untuk bekerja dan berkembang dalam lingkungan akademik dan intelektual yang menantang. Koordinator - English Program ( Bandung - Jawa Barat ) Kualifikasi : - Pendidikan minimum S1/S2 Bahasa/ Sastra Inggris dari universitas terkemuka - Skor TOEFL min 500 - Memiliki pengalaman min 2 tahun dibidang yang relevan - Memiliki kemampuan berbagi bahasa Inggris aktif maupun pasif dan komputerasasi yang baik - Lokasi : Bandung Kirim lamaran, CV, dan photo terbaru Anda ke : atau kirim ke alamat : HR Department Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa Jl. Dipatiukur No.80-84 Bandung 40132

Lowongan Kerja Sosiologi sebagai Tenaga Studi Lapangan Mengenai Komoditas Beras di Boyolali

Bappenas bekerjasama dengan IFAD bermaksud untuk mengembangkan pola pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat petani berpendapatan rendah melalui bentuk kemitraan PPP (Public Private Partnership). Untuk mendukung perkembangan tersebut, maka diperlukan studi lapangan yang mendokumentasikan dan memetakan gambaran sesungguhnya mengenai pelaksanaan PPP. Salah satunya di daerah Boyolali, dimana petani Boyolali beserta peserta daerah setempat berhasil mengekspor beras organik ke Eropa dan USA melalui kerjasamanya dengan pihak swasta (PT Bloom Agro) merupakan contoh pengalaman yang menarik dan patut di dokumentasikan sebagai pengetahuan untuk disebarkan pada petani lainnya. Sasaran Kegiatan Studi lapangan mengenai KSP yang mendokumentasikan sekaligus memetakan praktik kerjasama swasta pemerintah pada komoditas beras di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Keluaran Kegiatan Memunculkan konsep KSP sektor pertanian di Indonesia, termasuk didalamnya definisi KSP, aktor yang terlibat d...

Job Vacancy Jewellery Representative PT Central Mega Kencana 2016

PT Central Mega Kencana adalah jaringan retail perhiasan terkemuka di Indonesia telah membuka cabang di berbagai kota utama di Indonesia. Mengundang Anda berkarir dan berkembang di dunia retail fashion, jewellery, luxurious goods untuk bergabung sebagai : Jewellery Representative Job Description : Bertanggungjawab atas penjualan Mempresentasikan produk kepada pelanggan  Membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan Memperluas jangkauan pasar Kualifikasi : Pria/wanita usia maksimum 35 tahun Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Bersedia bekerja shift Bersedia mengikuti training di Jakarta (minimal 1 bulan) Bersedia penempatan di mall E Walk Balikpapan Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan CV lengkap dengan foto terbaru ke email :

10 Part-Time Jobs for Student in Japan

"Who want to STUDY ABROAD ?"  Exactly, everyone want it. If we are talking about study abroad, you absolutely imagine that it is only for the GOOD student with the HIGH score and maybe you should wearing sunglasses and strict shirt. Noooooo ! Anyway, study abroad is for you who try hard to reach your dream although you are not as clever as you imagine out and have the presticious shcholarship. Again, stop thinking about "scholarship" if you realize that is impossible to get. But don't give up about your dream. There are million way to reach your dream with the GOD powerfull. So keep trying and praying from NOW ! In Japan case, so much foreign students came to Japan without get any scholarship. So, how can they survive in Japan ? One of the solution and absolutely they do it is "part time job" or ..... As the rule, every student in Japan give permission to work with maximum 28 hours per week . It means if you work until 30 h...

2 Great Places for Cycling in Tokyo

Hello CYCLIST ! Enjoying Tokyo by foot is an ordinary experience. As you know Tokyo is one of the biggest city in the world. Therefore, finding a suitable cycling road in crowded city such as Tokyo can sometimes be a challange. Here, I will show you some places which is the best places for cycling and also for outdoor activities. 1. Arakawa River Ara River, also known as the Arakawa River, is one of the principal rivers flowing through Tokyo. It originates on Saitama Prefecture and empties into Tokyo Bay.  River Culture - The road near river is really really suitable for cycling. As far as I know, there are no uphill road. So, even you are not a professional cyclist or you just recreational cyclist like me. This area is RECOMMENDED . Tokyo Cycling Club Also, beautiful green spaces over there can be used for camping, sunbathing, barbecue and many more. For Japanese, they are sometimes using this area for practicing baseball. But so...

10 Reasons People Come To Japan

“Why did you come to Japan ?” That question such a title of reality show on TV Tokyo every Monday from 6:55 pm. Exactly, the target is foreigner. Sometimes airport also became a favorite place for hunting foreigner, the biggest bus station or train station. A lucky foreigner and absolutely friendly would be chosen as a special guess which is all activities of foreigner will be recorded on a day. Somebody came for travelling, intern program, being student, working and many more. See also : 10 Part-Time Jobs for Student in Japan   Based on that TV programme, I also want to interview some friends from around the world and some videos which I took from youtube. The aim of these videos are : 1. To decribe what their motivation to go to Japan. 2. To decribe what their hopes for living in Japan. 3. To predict Japan future with alot of foreigner inside. As a sociologist. Also travel holic which not such a ordinary traveller. We have to know more than culture of pl...

A 10 Minutes Fruit Salad Recipe

While fruit is welcome at any gathering and fruit is not include as breakfast. For you as student or person who doesn't have any time everyday, here my own salad recipe. Absolutely healthy ! See also :  A 10 Minutes Fruit Salad Recipe (Japanese) Ingredients 1. 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, plus more as needed Veronica's Cornucopia 2. 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, plus more as needed We know your Dreams 3. Persimmon Alamendah's Blog 4. Banana Globe Views Instructions Place all of the ingredients in a large bowl and gently mix to combine. Taste and add more ingredients as needed. Serve immediately or chill in the refrigerator for up to 4 hours before serving.


材料 1.マヨネーズ大さじ2杯 Veronica's Cornucopia 2.砂糖大さじ1杯 We know your Dreams 3.柿 Alamendah's Blog 4.バナナ Globe Views 作り方 ボウルに材料を全部入れてまぜる。味見をして、お好みで調味料をたす。できあがり! ( 冷蔵庫で4時間ぐらい冷やしてもいいです )

Learning Simple Japanese Language For Backpacker or Traveler

Hi guys , it is been a long time for me to share about tips and trick for traveling.  As you know guys, now I am in Japan. Yup, I am trying to get higher education in here. That's why I rarely post something here.  Anyway, in this post I wanna share about "Japanese Language" .  What is that ?  Why should we learn it ? What the benefits of learning this language ? Wait wait wait..... be calm guys. Let me give you explaination. 1. Do you know Japan ? Japan is one of cultural country in the world. If we talk about Japan, what is on your imagine ? Samurai, kimono, sakura, geisha, shrine, small eyes people, anime and many more. As far as I know, Japanese people have strong nationalism such as just a few people who can speak and understand English or another language. I don't mean that is not good but I mean Japanese people appreciate their ancestor. Not only about language but also about relationship between human and nature, ...

Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Operasional Perumahan PT Anugerah Surya Cipta Mandiri

PT Anugerah Surya Cipta Mandiri adalah perusahaan properti yang berdiri pada tahun 2014, dan telah membangun beberapa perumahan ternama di Bandung dan Cimahi. Saat ini kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai berikut : Supervisor Operasional Perumahan Bertugas untuk mengawasi dan mengatur proses pembangunan perumahan dan membuat laporan untuk atasan. Persyaratan :  1. Diutamakan pria 2. Max 35 tahun 3. Lulusan teknik sipil 4. Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman 5. Bersedia ditempatkan di gunung batu atau Cimahi area Kirimkan CV dan lamaran ke : atau

Job Vacancy in Robomarine Indonesia


Lowongan Kerja Spv. Akuntansi & Pajak PT Mulia Raya Prima Padalarang
